Episode 108 2022 March Bryan HERPS Show Part 2
In our one-hundred and eighth episode we head to the 2022 March HERPS Bryan/College Station Show. This is part two of our sit down interviews with some great breeders. On this episode we are joined by the infamous Andy Hein of Southern Reptile Supply. We discuss running a business and vending reptile shows with Andy. Then we talk panther chameleons with Adam Jones of Lonestar Panthers. Our third guests are two of our favorite humans on earth. We finally got Douglas Ray White and his lovely wife Natasha of NELA Reptiles to sit down with us. These two people tell some of the best stories and they did not disappoint this time. Finally we are joined by Shawn Gray of HERPS Exotic Reptile and Pet Shows. Shawn gives us the state of the union on HERPS shows.
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